منتديات جلول لبنان Forums Jalloul Lebanon
عندما نكون كتلة مشاعر واحاسيس
عندما يغمرنا الحب والوفاء
عندها فقط نقول لك
.•°اهلاً بك قلماً مميزاً وقلبا ً حاضراً °•.
.•° هنا حيث القلوب تشابهت طيبة ٍ °•.
.•° وتلونت فرحاً وأملا ً °•.
.•° تزينت سماءنا بلالئي الأنجم اللامعه
وتوشحت بوشاح الفرح والسرور
وهلت بشائر طيور المحبه ترفرف نشوة بقدومك
وتعانقت حروف القوافي ترحيب بعطرك °•.
.•° بكل المحبه والموده نحييك لتشريفك لنا
ونرحب بك اجمل ترحيب ممزوج بعبارات الود والاخوه
موشح بالفل والكادي والرياحين°•.
.•° نتمنى لك إقامة رائعه وممتعه مع اخوانك و اخواتك
وفي شوق لعذوبة غدير حروفك لنرتوي منه
ورسم أناملك لنتمتع بابداعك وجماله °•.
.•°ارق تحية معطره بروح الورد لك°
منتديات جلول لبنان Forums Jalloul Lebanon
عندما نكون كتلة مشاعر واحاسيس
عندما يغمرنا الحب والوفاء
عندها فقط نقول لك
.•°اهلاً بك قلماً مميزاً وقلبا ً حاضراً °•.
.•° هنا حيث القلوب تشابهت طيبة ٍ °•.
.•° وتلونت فرحاً وأملا ً °•.
.•° تزينت سماءنا بلالئي الأنجم اللامعه
وتوشحت بوشاح الفرح والسرور
وهلت بشائر طيور المحبه ترفرف نشوة بقدومك
وتعانقت حروف القوافي ترحيب بعطرك °•.
.•° بكل المحبه والموده نحييك لتشريفك لنا
ونرحب بك اجمل ترحيب ممزوج بعبارات الود والاخوه
موشح بالفل والكادي والرياحين°•.
.•° نتمنى لك إقامة رائعه وممتعه مع اخوانك و اخواتك
وفي شوق لعذوبة غدير حروفك لنرتوي منه
ورسم أناملك لنتمتع بابداعك وجماله °•.
.•°ارق تحية معطره بروح الورد لك°
منتديات جلول لبنان Forums Jalloul Lebanon
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات جلول لبنان Forums Jalloul Lebanon

منتدى لبناني مصري المغرب العربي الخليج العربي عالمي
الصفحة الرئيسيةالرئيسيةأحدث الصورJalloul Lebanon Gamesالتسجيلدخولاتصل بنا
ثورة لبنان: يا أيها الكبار أسأل من نصبكن في موضع القرار أي قوانين لكي تحسنوا النظام وتحفظوا السلام وانتم الظلم الذي يكسر النظام وينسف الظلام أصرخ للكبار ... للكبار من يمسكون اليوم بالقرار لا تسرقوا الألوان من أمالنا لا تخطفوا الأحلام من أطفالنا غدا تدور دولة القرار ومن وراء دولة القرار لن تستطيعوا عندنا ان تحبسو الينبوع سوف تطلع المياه من فم الصخور وتخلع الحرية النير عن النسور رجالنا بطولة الملاحم نسائنا خصوبة المواسم أطفالنا مستقبل النسائم حدودنا شعاعة المدى وصوتنا مساحة لصدى وحلمنا يعانق المدى فلترفعوا الحصار يا اولياء القهر والقرار يا أيها الكبار....! يا شعب لبنان قاوم فيداك الأعصار لا تخضع فالذل دمار وتمسك بالحق فأن الحق سلاحك مهما جاروا قاوم فيداك الأعصار وتقدم فالنصر قرار أن حياتك وقفة عز تتغير فيها الأقدار يوم تهب ثورة الغضب في أمة الغضب في وقفة العز في انتفاضة الكرامة تندحر الظلامة عندها لن تستطيعوا وقف ما في النهر من هدير سوف يكون السيل لن تستطيعوا رد هذا الويل سوف يكون السيل عليكم سيجرف الحدود من حدودكم ويكسر القرار يا اولياء القهر والقرار يا أيها الكبار...! يا شعب لبنان قاوم فيداك الأعصار لا تخضع فالذل دمار وتمسك بالحق فأن الحق سلاحك مهما جاروا قاوم فيداك الأعصار وتقدم فالنصر قرار أن حياتك وقفة عز تتغير فيها الأقدار
هوِّر يابو الهوَّارة .. بلادي ارض الحضارة يلي ما بيعرفها منيح يرافقني ليها زيارة


 Who Are the Lebanese-Americans?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
امبراطور الحب

امبراطور الحب

نقاط نقاط : 8663
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2524
السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 5
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 05/06/2011
العمر العمر : 38
الاقامة الاقامة : وسط لبنان

بطاقة الشخصية
بطاقة الشخصية بطاقة الشخصية :
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Left_bar_bleue0/0Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who Are the Lebanese-Americans?   Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Prefer1206.10.11 22:10

Who Are
the Lebanese-Americans?

3 million Americans descending from Lebanese origin live in the United States
These Lebanese-Americans, up to five generations, migrated from Lebanon in several
waves starting in the 19th century. Most of the Lebanese Americans came from
the early waves of Lebanese Christians fleeing the Ottomans oppression around
the mid of the 19th Century and during WWI. Lebanese immigration continued and
was high in the 1970’- 80’s during the war in Lebanon, and in early
1990’s after Lebanon completely fell to Syrian occupation. (Details)
Americans are found in every state with the majority being
Most of them live in Los Angeles, New York and Detroit and
often in metropolitan cities.

Ethnic Groups: around 85%
of the Lebanese Americans are the descendents of the Phoenicians(Canaanites)
and Syriac-Arameans, 10% Arab descendents, and 5% Armenians,
Greeks, Assyrians, Hebrews, Kurds, Persians
and others

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebanese_american_ethnic


Christians form around 90% of the Lebanese Americans, Muslims and
minorities form around 10%.

Major Catholic
: Maronite, Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic/ Melkite

Major Orthodox groups: Greek Orthodox and Assyrian Orthodox

Major Muslim groups: Sunni, Shiaa and Druze

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebanese_american_religion

Lebanese-Americans, coming from a country with universities are as old as 1866,
value education and have a high percentage of bachelor's degree holders.


In addition to English,
Lebanese Americans often speak Lebanese, Arabic, French and Armenian.

35 % speak Lebanese

20 % speak Lebanese and Arabic

15 % speak Lebanese, Arabic and French

05 % speak Armenian

The American census dose
not identify the Lebanese-Phoenicians as a minority ethnic group. The census
includes a category for Arabs only,
if someone registers as Lebanese he/she is automatically inculded as Arab. Being non-Arabs, majority of the Lebanese
Americans did not identify themselves under that category. The census for Lebanese Americans
are hence obtained from the Christian churches in which most of them attend,
in addition to other religious and secular non- governmental organizations.

Contributions to U.S.

continue to make lasting cultural contributions. the Lebanese-born
Kalil Gibran is perhaps the most widely read and appreciated by American
. Another prominent writer is children's author Naomi Shihab Nye. In
Public affairs, Dean of the White House press corps Helen Thomas and
consumer advocate Ralph Nader present prominent figures.In
entertainment, Lebanese
American stars include the comedian Danny Thomas, actress Kathy Najimy,
and Tony
Shalhoub, singer Paul Anka and Casey Kasem of ‘America's Top 40’.
Paul Orfalea, the founder of Kinko's photocopy stores, are also among
the many
Lebanese who have made their mark in America (
for Full List)

Lebanese Americans
are involved in politics with Republicans, Democrats and independents, and have
a high ratio of voting among American citizens. Democratic and Republican parties
sponsors and Presidential candidates appeal to Lebanese voters in key states.Lebanese
Americans hold public office at all levels. Some served in the U.S. Senate, such
as George Mitchell of Maine (1980-1995), while many serve in the U.S. House of
Representatives. Lebanese Americans have served in the cabinets, military and
other high offices oadministrations, including Chief of Staff John H. Sununu
under President George Bush, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala
under President Bill Clinton, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham under President
George W. Bush and the US Army Central Commander Gen. John Abizaid. Lebanese
Americans have been governors and mayors of American States and cities.(for
Full List)


Americans have played a great role in the history of the United States, with
major achievements in medicine, business, law, government and the arts....Through
your dedication to the principles of constitutional democracy and your faith
in America’s future, you have made the Lebanese-American community a vital
force in our society and an aspiration to all Americans.”
Bill Clinton, 1992 - Full text)


The Americans
descending from Lebanese origins have been coherently mixing with the American
community since the past two centuries. There are many prominent figures in our
community that we would recognize for their achievements without knowing that
they carry Lebanese blood. Click here to go to the
full list.

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebam02

Prominent Lebanese-Spanish Figures



Singer, Performer


Born in
Barranquilla, Colombia on 1977, for a Lebanese father and a Colombian mother,
Shakira Isabel Mebarak is the youngest of her parents' eight children. Shakira's
female rocker style garnered her the World Music Award for Latin Female Artist
of the Year, while the phenomenal success of Laundry Service and 'Whenever, Whenever'
has hurled her to fame.

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebanon-colombia-shakira1
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebanon-mexico-salma1



Born in Mexico for a Lebanese
Father and a Mexican mother, Salma Hayek began her career in 'Mexican TV' soap
operas in late 80's. She traveled to Los Angeles after gaining success in 'Un
Nuevo Amanecer' and 'Teresa'. Salma acted in several movies but was most known
for her role in Desperado (1990). Later, she played roles in ‘Wild Wild
West’, 'Frida' and recently 'Once Upon a Time in Mexico'.

She is considered to be the first Mexican actress to become a Hollywood movie
star since Dolores Del Rio. Salma carries one of the best known Lebanese family
names as her last name, Hayek.




Yamila Dias Rahi was born
in Argentina, to a doctor father and an old folk home manager mother. Even at
24, Yamila's resume reads like a who's who book of accomplishments.

She's been a cover girl for Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Glamour and Elle.

Yamila carries her Argentinean last name 'Diaz' and her Lebanese 'Rahi'.

Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Lebanon-argentina-yamila1

Global Lebanese

The Lebanese
seem to have inherited the traveling spirit of their Phoenician ancestors. More
than 80% of the Lebanese (up to the last 5 generations) live outside Lebanon
around the globe. Many Lebanese had successful achievements and became prominent
figures in the countries they ended in. In Business there is Nicholas
or "Mr. Swatch” was credited with
revamping the Swiss watch-making industry in the 1980s and Carlos Ghosn the
President of Nissan Motor Company. Wajdi Mouawad is one of Canada's
most prominent young writers. In fashion, Elie Saab is most
famous for designing the dress Halle Berry wore when she won the best actress
Oscar in 2002. Brian Peter Medawar is the Lebanese-Brazilian
who won the Nobel Laureate in Medicine in 1960 for discovery of acquired immunological

In Politics and Public affairs there is Ellias Serrano the Former President
of Guatemala and Bucaram the Former Ecuador President.
Around 20% of the Brazilian parliament are of Lebanese descent. Many other presidents,
primers, governors, ministers and PM’s around the world are/were from Lebanese
origin. (Click for full list)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Lebanese Women Say
» Lebanese Girls Say
» Lebanese Girls Say Pt 2
» Lebanese Beach

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منتديات جلول لبنان Forums Jalloul Lebanon :: منتديات لبنان العالمية :: منتدى الدول العربية العالمية-
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المواضيع الأخيرة
اعلان فلاشي
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Mahmou10
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Mahmou10
Who Are the Lebanese-Americans? Mahmou10
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